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How To Optimize Your Roulette Odds

Casino Roulette Odds


Parlay strategy is a betting system that is popular not only in roulette, but also in blackjack or sports and horse betting. It is another progressive betting system where you increase the stake after wins. However, the parlay system is based on securing occasional winnings to eventually stay in the black and avoid losses in any case.


  • Before you start the game, set a series of numbers (for example 1-2-2-4 ).
  • Bet only on simple chances.
  • Follow the number line if you make a profit, where 1 is one bet, 2 is two bets, and so on.
  • If you lose, go back one step.
  • Once you have reached the end of the number line, pay out the winnings and start again at the beginning.

Instructions and example:

You can choose any number line in this method and use an aggressive or safe parlay system depending on it. However, especially safe systems with many intermediate levels require a lot of patience and you often need hours to reach the end of the number line. For beginners, a number line like 1-2-2-4 is recommended, which can be played through quickly and represents a manageable risk.

You should always adjust the size of a bet to your overall budget. For example, bet €10 on a Simple Chance. If you are right, you will receive a payout of €20. Now you move up one number on your number line, so bet €20 on the next game, which is equal to your original bet and the winnings from the previous game.

For beginners, a number line like 1-2-2-4 is recommended, which can be played through quickly and represents a manageable risk. You should always adjust the size of a bet to your overall budget. For example, bet €10 on a Simple Chance. If you are right, you will receive a payout of €20. Now you move up one number on your number line, so bet €20 on the next game, which is equal to your original bet and the winnings from the previous game.

If you win again, you will receive €40 and move one place further on your line. This means that you now bet €20 again. So you can put €20 on the side as a win (€10 net win) and still have €20 in play. If you win again, you reach the 4 and leave the whole 40 €.

If you lose now, you go back one step in the row. So now you have to spend €20 of your own balance again, leaving you with a total bet of €10. If you lose again, you go back another level. You are now at 30 €. If you then win 3 times in a row and play through the number line, you will collect a total of €100, which is still a plus of €70.


The Labouchère roulette system, which is also known under the name of the scratch-off progression, was developed by a British politician and hobby gambler, who was able to celebrate great successes over many years with the tactic named after him. Today, the strategy ranks as one of the most popular among ambitious roulette players and is considered one of the most promising systems around.


  • Before you start playing, you need to set a stop amount that describes your desired profit.
  • Divide the stop amount into different partial amounts and write them down as a series of numbers on a piece of paper.
  • Now take the number on the left edge of the row and add it to the number on the right edge.
  • The sum is your bet on a single chance.
  • Depending on whether you win or lose, you cross out numbers from the row or add new ones.
  • Once you have crossed out all the numbers the game round is over and you have definitely made a profit.

Instructions and example:

So, based on your total online gambling budget, you first need to decide on an amount and a number line. For simplicity, let’s take €21 as the desired profit for our example. For this, you can choose a number series with 1 2 3 4 5 6, which adds up to 21.